CEPH DrPH Foundational Competency #2:
Design an evaluation project to address a public health issue. Most agencies receive some type of funding to run their programs. In some cases, like federal and state programs, the funding comes from taxpayers. In other instances, programs may be privately funded, such as through a foundation. It is common for funders to review how their money was spent and whether related activities aligned with the program goals. For example, funders want to be sure that if an agency promised to develop a program or serve a certain number or type of clients (e.g., Hispanic) that it, in fact, followed through. The details of these funding agreements are often spelled out in a legal and binding contract between the agency and the funder. Often, that contract will explain the number and type of clients to be served, what is to be delivered, and the timeframe for doing so. Evaluation of oversight and compliance is one way for investors (e.g., federal government or private foundations) to ensure contractors respect those contract terms and deliver on promises made.
Reporting information related to oversight and compliance provides some confidence that money was spent to provide some type of service or product (e.g., training course, training materials, and guidance) to the targeted beneficiaries. The information provided by completing an evaluation of oversight and compliance provides a general indication of the level of activity. It does not speak to the quality or effectiveness of that activity—that is, whether the programs or policies themselves need to be improved or the impact of programs and policies on the clients for whom they are intended. The evaluation of oversight and compliance involves minimal data collection. The absence of such basic data collection often indicates that the evaluation plan is not well thought out.
In this first part of the Scholar Practitioner Project (SPP), you will design an evaluation project to address a public health issue. Specifically, you will design an Oversight and Compliance (O&C) evaluation project using quantitative methods.
Note: Use the SPP Part 1 Template to complete your O&C evaluation project.
In a 1-page paper (not including title page and references):
Design an O&C evaluation project for your evidence-based public health program by using quantitative methods. Describe the data collection plan by completing Table 1 Summary: Evaluation of Oversight and Compliance with the following information:
Identify quantitative oversight and compliance indicators.
Explain quantitative data collection methods (evaluation methods) used and a justification for their use