N 493 aspen University Nursing Community Health Essay
Typically, development of a strategy/plan for addressing the selected community health concern should be tailored to the target audience’s needs and resources available in the community. Basically, WHAT IS THE PLAN? A project plan, which is what you are writing for this paper, should include goals and objectives and a plan for implementation (later comes evaluation of the project). You will need to reference and cite Healthy People 2020 regarding your topic and state the corresponding objective number from the website. For example: If your topic is the prevention of obesity, you may select objective NWS-9: Objective NWS-9 which would be explained and cited in the paper from Healthy People 2020. THIS IS REQUIRED FOR FULL CREDIT
essay of your developed action plan for the community educational project. The essay should include the following and be labeled as such with headings:
The project plan should include two goals and objectives based on your topic from Healthy People 2020 (This makes Healthy People 2020 one of your sources and is required; objectives/goals should be pulled from the website and cited in the paper) – explain why you choose them.
An Implementation Plan for implementing these activities
A Budget- the budget will be 100 dollars to buy glucometer lancets and test strips, alcohol, glucose tablets, latex gloves, alcohol swabs, 2×2 gauzes. Material for printing flyers with education and resource information. Posterboard, small notepads, snacks and water bottles.
A Justification for the project – what is the reasoning that what you are doing is important
A Description of where and when the plan will be implemented
A description of the Teaching Materials which will be utilized during the execution of the project
Recommend Nursing Actions/Interventions to improve the health concern and achieve your stated goals and objectives from Healthy People 2020 as noted above
Discuss Potential Public and Private Partnerships that could be formed to implement your recommendations and create a timeline (i.e. 3 month, 6 month) for potential expected outcomes.