MMPA 6435 Walden The Department of Health and Human Services Essay

Analyze and assess the following areas of the organization based on the processes and principles related to human resources management in the Department of Health and Human Services.For the sections provide your analysis and assessment based on the processes and principles related to the SHRM of the Department of Health and Human Services. Answer the question; what are the biggest HR challenges and does the department have a strategy to overcome these challenges. Please include APA reference for each section.

  • Mission and goals of the organization
  • Strategic human resource management
  • Applicable legal and ethical codes
  • Diversity considerations
  • Labor unions, privatization and outsourcing
  • Recruitment and selection methods
  • Compensation and benefits
  • Performance management and development
  • Opportunities, challenges, and trends

MMPA 6435 Walden The Department of Health and Human Services Essay