Chamberlain University Wk 4 Skills to Look for In New Graduates Employment Discussion

Three-minute thoughts (Links to an external site.) are designed to focus students on a topic and to help them get their thoughts organized prior to discussion.

Imagine you are the manager of a unit and need to hire a new graduate.Without using the words smart or professional:What qualities would you be looking for in someone you want to hire?What qualities do you look for in an ideal coworker?

Title: Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association Authors: American Psychological Association Publisher: American Psychological Association (APA) Copyright: 2019-10-01 Edition: 7th APA CitationAmerican Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.). If your course has an E-Book, make sure to review this information.

Chamberlain University Wk 4 Skills to Look for In New Graduates Employment Discussion